Gettysburg Report

We portrayed Archer's Tennessee troops on the first day of the battle and got creamed by the Iron Brigade but fought well and made the yankees work for it. In fact the Union cavalry that screened us from the main Union line described our attack as fighting off a hornet's nest with a pop gun.The color guard went in with 10 men and we had 5 killed and 3 wounded.

On the second day we supported the Texans in their attack before the Devil's Den area. In fact General Hood himself rode up to our colors and kissed them as we went in. We were ordered to advanced directly toward a Union signal  post on the Round Tops and made the Union run to stay ahead of us. We assaulted 4 times up a very steep hill (and I do mean straight friggin up) and gave the yanks what for. Although we were repulsed as was correct and historical, I talked to some yanks later and they said the more of us they killed, the faster the remainder fired and we never slacked in sheer volume of firepower. I was very proud of our men that day. The Georgia Volunteers brought honor to our Southern history's memory. The color guard was composed of 8 men at the start of the day and lost 4 killed and 4 wounded. E Company carried the colors from the field that day.

On Sunday, our brigadier General Jesse informed us we were to press through the union center today. He was almost crying when he told us how proud he was of the Georgia troops. He explained how of all the units he had commanded this battle, we went over and above our duty and performed exactly as requested. In fact he noted he had to watch what he told us to do because we would do it, regardless of the orders. He said that is he was Napoleon, we were surely his Old Guard. Being a Napoleonic wargamer from way back, his calling us his Old Guard brought a lump to my throat as well. See the Old Guard ended the battle. Period. When they were committed, the battle was over. Only once did the Guard lose, and Napoleon's reign was over after that... We were selected to be in the position of honor. We were in the third line behind Texas and Florida right next to the crowd. Texas and Florida would die ahead of us and we were to select the few from our ranks that would make the wall. 38 men were chosen to do this task. We formed in a huge field facing prepared union positions. Our artillery fired for 45 minutes in a barrage but didn't do much damage to the enemy. On the call, we formed and marched off toward our fate. As noted in some of the newspapers in the area, the Confederates overall marched with Olympic precision. We engaged the enemy and did our utmost to portray the struggle. It took 30 minutes for the entire Confederate army to march forward in wave after wave. We did as the Old Guard would have done and drove straight in. We were repulsed but some select few made the wall. The battle was over. The color guard went in with 8 men and none left the field. The colors died to a man 40 yards short of the wall. No union captured them.

After the battle we formed up back at our starting point to check our numbers to insure everyone was ok.General Jesse once again rode over and praised us for our commitment to duty. He dismissed us. We stayed in formation and talked amongst ourselves. He rode back and dismissed us again. Still we stood in formation. He rode back a third time and asked us if we wanted to fight again. A resounding cheer of agreement met his answer. Of course we could not fight any more, but we were willing to a man. The unit dismissed and the Georgia colors were met with a resounding cheer and applause from the crowd that had gathered nearby.

Georgia was well represented during these days and we brought great credit to ourselves and our forebear's memories.